Neuromuscular Therapy, kind of a mouthful. What is it, what does it do and how is it different from “regular massage?"
Neuromuscular therapy (NMT) is a type of massage therapy that focuses on the treatment of specific muscle groups and the nervous system. Neuro = nerves/nervous system, Muscular = musculoskeletal system. This therapy aims to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and enhance overall function by addressing the underlying causes of pain and tension, such as imbalanced muscle groups, compressed nerves, and trigger points.
Neuromuscular therapy typically involves applying firm pressure to specific areas of the body, such as trigger points, that are causing pain or tension. Neuromuscular therapy may also include stretching, range of motion exercises, and other techniques designed to improve mobility and tissue resiliency by creating new firing patterns within the muscle tissue.
Deep Tissue massage is a common form of bodywork that many people are familiar with to a degree, and in short, deep tissue is considered deep, slow, and specific. It targets broader ranges of muscle fibers within specific muscle groups. For example: A therapist could perform deep tissue on a hamstring, quad or erectors (the tree trunk-like muscles along your spine) usually using a forearm or palm and applying firm to very firm pressure and moving slowly, deeply and typically targeting one muscle group at a time. NMT is more specialized in that it utilizes similar techniques but is far more concentrated on finding and releasing trigger points, rehabilitating dysfunctional firing patterns (usually due to trigger points, injury or surgery), and improving the mobility of joints.
NMT is a specialized form of medical bodywork, although therapists (like us) usually toggle in and out of various forms of massage during one session, which is one reason why we consider ourselves an Integrative Pain Management company; we integrate many techniques and skills tailoring our treatment to your specific issues and goals.
Neuromuscular therapy is often used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic/acute pain, back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, and other conditions caused by overuse or trauma, such as:
· Nerve Damage
· Nerve Compression
· Neural Entrapment
· Ischemia
· Myofacsial trigger points
· Dysfunctional gait patterns
Overall, neuromuscular therapy can be an effective complementary therapy for reducing pain and tension, improving range of motion, and enhancing overall function. Don't forget to contact us to book your first session today! Thanks for stopping by!